Thursday, February 25, 2010

On Blogs and the like

Blogging like this has been rattling around in the back of my brain for a while, but what made me decide to actually get on it was some of the other fabulous crafty blogs and sites I've been keeping an eye on. So, for the first actually helpful post, I'd like to feature a few of my favourites and share what I love about them.

Martha Stewart Crafts

As I'm sure you'll soon know all-too-well, I have a bit of a fixation with Martha Stewart. This, the crafts section of the Martha Stewart Website, is filled with what seems like endless tutorials of every kind, from the simple to the complex. There's also a Crafts Dept. Blog, run by the members of their crafts department.


The website of Craft: Magazine is another tutorial overload, although they focus more on linking to tutorials around the web, rather than their own (although they do have several awesome ones!) They also have it niftily arranged so you can either view all the blog entries, or just search by the type of thing you're looking for - multiple craft types, fashion, cooking, gardening, etc.

How About Orange

How About Orange is constant source of entertainment, if you're anything like me. Jessica Jones, the creator, shares all sorts of things - Tutorials and info on her own pieces (she's even designed several lines of fabrics!), links to interesting tutorials, resources, and graphics. I love her style of writing; it's so fun just to sit and read through the whole thing - which I did, the day I discovered it!

Today's Creative Blog

Kim, the creator of "Today's Creative Blog", is a genius. Not only does this blog constantly highlight creative blogs from all around the web (and world), but she also is more than open to suggestions from crafty readers and bloggers! She also holds crafty giveaways quite often, generously sponsored by a variety of sources. I also love how she keeps this blog and her personal blog separately - so I can browse what I will, rather than navigating through everything :) Her layout is also quite lovely!

Better After

This blog is always so fun to look at - it's a collection of renovations of all kinds (the majority are furniture items) done by regular people. It's a fantastic source of inspiration - both for personal and theatrical use. Seeing as a lot of furniture that theatres have in stock bears a striking resemblance to these thrift store finds...

That's all for today, but I'll certainly be spotlighting more creative blogs I love in the future!


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